Saturday, November 27, 2010

must've done something right.

just because he seemed sad he wasn't mentioned on my grateful for list...

everyone....this is Scott Johnson.

he's kind of my boyfriend... and I like him a lot.

he makes everything better.

that's all.


Love, Lauren Lindsey.

Friday, November 12, 2010

the darn thing WAS cursed!


my great grandmother's ring was definitely cursed.
because all of sudden my life has become amazing.

I LOVE my life right now.
and in the spirit of thanksgiving I'm just going to list a few things I am grateful for.

I LOVE my:

being able to be at BYU.
king henry.
my wonderful roommates.
all of my friends.
even those that are far away from me.
being a girl =]
green tea.
lean cuisines.
my laptop.
having a job.
christmas music.
my ipod.
vacations back home.
no classes til 3 pm.
the sisterhood.
jesus christ.
my cello.
my missionaries.
cuddling parties.
my mother.
family friends.


not being cursed anymore!!

Love, Lauren Lindsey

Monday, November 8, 2010

There is a permanent rain cloud above my head...


My mother told me that it may be my great grandmother's cursed ring that has been causing all of my bad luck.

but I've taken off the stupid ring..and crazy things are still happening to me.

I'm starting to believe all of it is just me.

My sophomore year at BYU has just been a crazy year full of unwanted surprises.

First my accident, then my other date that was literally just as bad as the accident since it was seriously the most awkward two hours of my life. For the sake of courtesy I will not tell what happened that night.

But don't worry.. I will probably be publishing a book sometime down the road narrated: "The Book of Unfortunate Dates".

Honestly, I could write a book on all of the crazy relationships, dates, and boys that have come into my life.

I'd be like the Taylor Swift of publishing.

Speaking of T. Swift. I LOVE her new album.
Can the song "Mine" please just be my life?

So ever since the accident my life has just become a series of unfortunate events. It is truly amazing.

I had to drop a class because of the accident, and found out later that I lost my scholarship because of it.
now I am trying to petition for my scholarship back and all of that good stuff.

and what really knocked me over the edge today...was BYU parking.

So I've been driving my grandmother's car for the past week so that I can drive to my hospital, therapy, and all other appointments I have during the week. Well at King Henry you must have a parking pass, unless you park on the street.

Well you see last night as I was coming home there were NO parking spots on the street, and my handicap sticker does me no good since King Henry doesn't have handicapped parking. So what other choice did I have but to park in the parking lot?
I also thought...what are the chances that between 11 pm and 5 am on a Sunday they are going to check parking.


I get up at 5 this morning with only 2 hours of sleep under my belt to find a nasty, rusty, orange boot on my Grandmother's car. Oh and a note that I could have sworn this morning said...

"HAHA we got you! If you ever want to drive your car again and not see it towed by our have to give us $50 dollars...sucker."

So now I'm late to work, had to wake up my poor roommate to take me to TACO freaking BELL, and I forgot to grab I'm STARVING.

And of course when I called and explained my situation with the handicapped pass and me not being able to walk very far to the parking guy...he had NO sympathy what so ever.
In fact he was rude. And couldn't even look me in the eye when he took MY $50 dollars from my hand.

((So I sort of brought my crutches out, put my knee brace on, had tears rolling down my face...hoping to bring out a sympathy card))

but that helped nothing.

I fail as a damsel in distress.

As much as I am complaining I am very blessed. I have wonderful roommates who I love. And some great new friends at King Henry who have made life fun and enjoyable again.

Now I must be off. Carli is insisting I buy a lucky charm...she's thinking a rabbit foot.

Love, Lauren Lindsey.