I saw my best friends from high school last night. Ashley and Shelby have always been there for me and together we make make up all species of girl...plus we are all blonde.
Ashley is the spunky, edgy, sporty, tomboy, flirty kind of girl. She is also a texting machine. She always has 2 or so boys who are madly in love with her. She LOVES sports. In high school she was the "trainer/ water girl" for the football, basketball, and baseball team. Obviously she is a babe so she got all of the men. However, I did steal one boy from her once....and she likes to constantly remind me of it...because it was definitely against the "girl code" but she really is over it. Ashley and I have been through so much together...broken legs, my brother max's death, fights, boys, high school, mormonism, our step-parents. So many good memories. I love this girl.
Shelby Is the kindest, most beautiful, funniest, fun, loving, adoring girl you will ever meet. She is also extremely strong willed...like her mother =] She isn't afraid to hurt your feelings and tell you off if you are doing something wrong. Her morality meter is off the charts...she is one of the best people you will ever meet...and you definitely want to be on her good side =] Everyone loves shelby though, she was on homecoming court every year in high school and was in pretty much every extracurricular with me. Shelby is also kind of a genius. She works hard and has the biggest heart ever. She will be a great nurse someday =]
I love these girls and they love me too =] I can't wait to spend the summer with them.
So then today I went downtown Noblesville with my Mom and Heidi and just walked through town. I forgot how beautiful it was. I love history...just as much as my mom, but I like to give her a hard time for being such a nerd...so I complain about it and just flat out make fun of her....just because that's what we do =]
My finds of the day were:
1. A beautiful silk scarf for $12
2. A birthday present for Shelbs
3. A yellow cardigan $20
4. An Ann Taintor pin to go on my backpack =] $2
Pretty successful day...I must admit.
Then I found out the best news ever. I got TWO scholarships for next year.
The first is the President Leadership Council Scholarship which is awarded to those who display great leadership skills and good grades.
It covers my ENTIRE tuition for next year. =]=]=]=]=]=]=]=] best day ever?
The second was the BYU Alumni Association Scholarship which I applied for and I guess they chose me because of my essay, grades, leadership, service, and a bunch of other little things...butt
It gives me $1,105 EACH semester. =]=]=] seriously the best day ever.
because this means that all the money I am making this summer can go to Africa, and then all the money I make during the school year can go to paying my student loans from last year. Maybe I won't even have to work next year...I don't know yet...I'm just basking in my happiness at the moment.
I then went to work and sold another credit card. I'm starting to actually enjoy working. I'm starting to become really good friends with not only my coworkers but also all 3 of my managers. Lane is amazing. She loves the fact that I'm a mormon and just asks me things about the religion all the time. We talk about everything and we give each other advice about a lot of stuff. She is even lending my clothes. Brandon is closer to my age and is so funny. We just tease each other all of the time and harass each other...good fun =] Jason, the newest manager, haha he is just a funny guy. He loves the song Eenie meenie minny moe? by justin bieber. And just dances around the store when it comes on....did I mention he is a 30 year old white man who has no dance moves? good times. He also likes to turn up the volume to an obnoxious level when a song I don't like comes on. Nice guy, right?
But I'm really happy because I'm getting more hours because I am the leading credit card seller.And I got my first paycheck today.
The only thing that could make this day better is if I had a boy to share it with. For the first time in a long time I don't have one to talk or text with. I miss it, but I can live without it for now...I have other things to focus on I guess.
Love, Lauren Lindsey
Ashley Hobbs and myself at thanksgiving =] kiwi and bubs <3
Shelby and I at BYU when she came and visited me for SB. =]